
Jump Junction: This lush valley is a paradise for those seeking to enhance their jumping skills. By ascending the towering trees and mountain peaks, you'll not only improve your cardiovascular fitness but also strngthen your leg muscles. Jumping exercises are key to navigating this emerald landscape.

Fitness note: Jumping exercises are great for imroving cardiovascular fitness, bone strength, and coordination. Ensure that you land gently to protect your joints.


Light up the action bubble in order to gain points.
"Play time" / "Take a rest" : A relax stage for resting, no points will be counted.


Level 1 : Single Leg Holding 

Single Leg holding, a foundation exercise of single leg jump to gain sweat point.

"Play time" / "Take a rest" :
A relax stage for resting, no points will be counted. 



Level 2 : Single Leg Jumping  

Medium distance range of Single Leg jumping exercises to gain sweat point.
Option 1 - [Easiler] switching leg 
Option 2 - [Harder] use with same single leg



Level 3 : Single Leg jumping  

Continuous hopping over long distances to gain sweat point.